Friday, February 27, 2009


Unless you pay a monthly fee at smilebox you can't add text to your slideshow so I thought I'd make a list of captions to explain some of the pictures on the slideshow. Try clicking play on the slide show (below) and a new window will pop up make it smaller and then put it on this page so you can read the list as you watch.
-Cecily,Clara,and Silas happy to be stopping after the first three hours on the road
-We stopped at this park and had our picnic on this table
-Look at all the yummy food! An older couple walking around the park commented on our healthy choices
-Waiting to dig in! Yes, Silas has an entire half of a deviled egg in his mouth...he was starving
-Cecily and one huge strawberry, it was four grown into one
-Clara dipped hers in peanut butter
-While Silas and I finished eating the girls found a real seesaw. This was their first time on one and they loved it!
-They also found this thing that did nothing.
-Silas liked the swing
-And this huge grate in the ground that you could poke things into
-Clara said "want to see my mean face?"
-Silas' mean face
-Cecily's mean face
-Three monkeys
-A Silas sandwich slide
-The girls anticipating going up with me on the other side of the seesaw
-Whoa! Thats really high mom!
-Picking flowers for the road. Before we left home they also picked these flowers from our yard and left them on Daddy's pillow
-Finally in Mississippi Silas found a familiar toy on the fridge, Joy looked on
-Our cousin Leilani opening her birthday present from us
-The next day...Silas loved playing outside. He thought Nico's car and tractor were great (I didn't get any pictures of Nico -sorry Nico- I will get some from Grandma to post later on)
-All three girls
-Cecily the climber
-You've got to take time to stop and smell the Camillias, and hold them, and take a photo of them. They are just so pretty.
-You can always find Poppy with a good book to read
-The front door to the Scarambone's house. The bottom portion is like ours! Its such a small world. (Will post a comparrision later)
-Silas "fishing" in the reflecting pool Desiree uncovered in the side yard.
-You could often find Snowbell the cat here in this warm spot over the dishwasher. Cecily was playing bubbles with her. You could also find her in Silas seat at the table and Cecily thought this game was pretty fun.
-On the way home I stopped to take a picture of this little house I saw on the way to MS. Its so tiny, I love it!
And that's all folks. Can't believe I forgot to get photos of so many people. I'll have to suppliment later with Grandma's photos when I get them.

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