Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Little about Clara

This morning before getting ready for church the kids and I were outside playing with sidewalk chalk. I hear Clara say "I got pweeeeeeety eyes!" I look up to tell her she is right and I notice she is just drawing away. Then I see what she is drawing. It's a big capital I. Excuse me what I actually heard is "I got pweeeeety I's" In the photo you can see the bottom half of her I coming out from her heel.

Later on at church the girls and I were in the bathroom and I said (about something or other) "That is correct" Cecily asks "What is correct?" So after I explain what correct is and what incorrect is Clara says "Mommy watch, when I wash my hands you are donna say -Stand on your tip toes- and I will say" here she grins mischievously and shakes her head no. Letting me know she is tall enough to reach now. I say to her "You will say-Mommy you are incorrect" She grins again and says "No, I will say you are out-of-correct."

Silly girl.

Silas drawing with/eating sidewalk chalk

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