Monday, July 16, 2012

Many Happy Returns

Sunday June 3rd

During a long weekend camping Silas laid on a rock sunning himself and peering into the river. Watching carefully for any sign of a crawdad he sighed and said 'I'm the luckiest boy in the world'.

The boy loves anything that pinches,pokes,or cuts. Which is why he recently cut his own hair which is why very soon I have something to show you. :)

Monday June 4th

Monday Monday. I just discovered I can blog while looking at the ceiling. See? I just did. That's helpful when your neck gets tired. Add it to your list of helpful lifetime hints.

I thought about a friend today that I really miss. I imagine him to be just the same as he always was. But I have no idea.

I began another juice fast today. Because this time I want to reach my weight goal. Day 1 I felt completely normal. And guilty when I tried a bite of our first tomato from our garden. I didn't really feel guilty. I had just had tomato juice and it was full of pulp so I chewed the tomato bite well and pretended it was juice too.

My big kids are spending the night with their cousins. I'm glad they have so many cousins so close to their own ages. They have 9 so far.

Tuesday June 5th

I think you never outgrow MCS (middle child syndrome). I think I know you don't.

Clara said something today that I really wanted to remember. I forgot anyway...

Day two juice all done. Same as yesterday normal with a headache at the end. I tried running while on a juice  fast today. I had other reasons why I wasn't able to but I'm going to keep trying because I want to run with Abbie before she moves away.

Went to a going away girls night for Abbie tonight. Scored lotion,a candle,and some sweet earings. Our friend Lori is sweet....and Abbie and Blake are still moving. Despite all the goodies and sappy memories.

Blind smelling tests are actually really fun. And can help you make good lotion and candle choices.

Wednesday June 6th

It's raining today. We leave for camp in four days and I have nothing packed. Those two things are completely unrelated. I tend to disregard things like proper paragraphs and punctuation. Which is why you may notice sporadic commas and.....quotation marks "get on my nerves". So I use italics 'or these' instead. I think indenting looks too formal. I do wonder though if it makes it harder to read or for readers to get what I'm saying.

hey at least i use capitol letters. some people don't and that's okay. i just happen to like them. JUST NOT TOO MANY OF THEM CAUSE THEN I FEEL BAD. LIKE YOU ARE SCREAMING AT ME.

I have no idea where all of that just came from.

Good night!

Thursday June 7th

Juice Day 4 done. I have both friends and family juicing along with me...and it is much harder this time. I think it's all mental. When things are a little topsy turvy you just want to eat. But it's only two more days left and the scale is being nice to me. I'm planning breakfast already....

Clara told me today she is ready to shave her legs. I told her of how the hair would grow back all pokey and how often she would have to do it. I offered to make sugar wax and wax them for her and she said 'okay!'. Well,okay...I guess it's a date. You may see her running around soon with only one strip clear. :)

Two friends celebrating nine years of marriage today. When they got married I had only a tiny baby Cecily growing inside my belly. I didn't yet need a maternity bride's maid dress. I still have that dress. I wonder if I can fit it...

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