Today my friend J had his wisdom teeth removed and since M (his wife) had to work I went over to 'babysit' him. He wasn't allowed to be alone in case he had trouble with bleeding or passing out. I took the girls over after lunch (Silas slept at the shop) and while they watched a movie J and I created a playlist of songs for me on his computer. Now all I have to do is take over my (still empty) ipod and I will have all my favorite songs in one place. Yay!
I gave him his meds, made him milkshakes, and replaced his gauze for him. After his really strong meds kicked in he became tired and went to sleep.
Clara found my camera on the phone and a mirror and she took this.

Then she took a photo of one of J's bearded dragons.

And I helped her take this one. It's the same dragon sleeping like this in Cecily's lap while she watched her movie.

Shiloh and M came home and we visited for awhile until the kids became really sleepy so Shiloh and I brought them home and put them to bed.
Thursday August,20 2009
Today we visited the water park for the last time this year. I went with Abbie, my friend Debbie and her two little ones and my sister Kandice and her four little ones. We had fun. The older kids slid and slid and the little ones splashed and splashed. Silas came after his nap and played here.

We took along frozen lemonade boxes and Clara put hers in the sun and waited for it to thaw out.

Friday August,21 2009
Today I woke up and went to class but when I got there I found our that it had been canceld and I just didn't know. I went to the grocery store instead and got things to make sandwiches for our picnic at the park later.
I came home made sandwiches and packed strawberries,carrots and frozen juice pouches. We went to the park with my sister,her four little ones and our Granny. We got eaten up by mosquitos. Clara took this photo. It's her cousins X and B(on the right)

Silas plays this game anytime Granny sits in one of these camp chairs. He puts his hand into the cupholder and she grabs it from below and they both say "roar roar roar!" Then they giggle and do it all over agian.

Saturday August,22 2009
Today Shiloh and I woke up early and took the kids to Granny and Papaw's house to stay while we went on an ultra quick trip to Lubbock. I drove the girls in the van and Shiloh drove Silas in his car. On the way there we stopped at a blinking red light. I checked for cars and continued on. From the back seat from Miss Clara I hear "Mooommmy (a warning tone) you are supposed to not go through red lights" and with a quick point behind us she says "go back" :) She wanted me to turn around and do it the right way. I explaind to her about blinking lights and she understood. I'm sure she will be ready for her lisence soon.
Shiloh and I drove in his car to Plainview. He had an aunt pass away and this is where her funeral was. We continued on to Lubbock afterward where we made a quick visit with Gram and Pawpaw. It was Gram's birthday and we took her present to her (The Fiddler On the Roof soundtrack) then headed over to Abuelo's to eat with Shiloh's family. We saw a couple we know on a date with only thier youngest son (out of five)he is three months old and too small to stay with his Honey. So I stole him away for a bit while they finished up their food. I returned him when he became fussy. He's so adorable.
After our meal we took chips and salsa and iced coffee to my parent's house and had a quick visit there then we had to leave to go back with Shiloh's family and visit on the porch. :) That was really fun. We saw Shiloh's Aunt and Uncle from New Mexico that we haven't seen since our wedding in 2000. Then we headed back to my parents house to sleep. It was one a.m. We were giddy at bedtime thinking about how we did not have to wake up early to take care of the kids.
Sunday August 23,2009
9:30 was the latest I could sleep. I woke up just as my parents were pulling out of the driveway for church. We got ready and ate some Tokyo. Mmmmmmmmm. We headed out of town intending to get back quickly but we couldn't resist stopping by Crosbyton to visit some of "our" old places. We've often wanted to do this but when we have the kids and we are only one hour from Lubbock it isn't a great time to stop.
First we visited his old house.

This is where we met. The house is abandoned now and we are encouraging his parents to buy it in the event that Shiloh's mom gets the job transfer she is hoping for. This is his old bedroom window,if you squint you can see us in the reflection!

Then we headed to Mcadoo to see his other childhood home. We intended to look in the windows because it too is abandoned but as we got close we saw that someone was living there. We drove into the 'town' instead and drove around for a minute while Shiloh pointed out what he remembered. Just outside Mcadoo they've planted (installed) a wind farm. There are about 100 of these.

All in neat little rows.
We drove a little further to Patton Springs and Shiloh showed me his school where he went for a semester once. Then just a little further to East Afton and we checked our some chicken coops that my Papaw built in the 60's. Then we drove home to find three happy kids riding bikes and toating frogs. We bathed them before we left Granny's house and I drove home with Silas and Clara,who were asleep when we got here and I transplanted them to their beds.

Shiloh took Cecily to rent a movie and get a snack for her date tonight. On Sunday nights the kids take turns staying up late watching a movie with us. She chose a super hero cartoon, taco bell and cookies. We are watching now. I need to go. Night!
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