Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Labor day weekend we took advantage of the extra day and made our way up to Arkansas to have some family time. We wanted to see if camping is our thing. We found a great spot close to the river and the bathrooms. We had neighbors on either side who were so sweet and helpful. They told us of places to explore and loaned us lanterns when they saw us sitting out in the dark.

We had a wonderful adventure swimming and hunting for gems,zinc and tumbled glass among the rocks

some of them were much too big to bring home

we hiked and picnicked in the 'air conditioning' of this old zinc mine

we cooked smores and chai tea

we fished a little and soaked up lots of vitamin D

we wore Camille here


and everywhere

we found this skull rock

and even spotted a mama and her baby deer.

It was quiet and peaceful and the kids were in there element enjoying so much nature.

As it turns out camping suits us quite well. So much so that we decided to go again last weekend. But that's a whole 'nother post.

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